What is GREEN?
Besides the color of this web page and most plants what do we mean by GREEN?
Green is the design, commercialization, and use of processes & products that are feasible & economical while:   

  • Reducing the generation of pollution at the source.
  • Minimizing the risk to human health & the environment.

Why should you go GREEN?
People and companies both ask two questions when making a purchase.

How much? What will it do for me?
These two questions are at the base of human nature and our economic system. If an organization can answer these two questions correctly for their customers, they will likely be successful.

A flagship for green technology is needed now! The global struggle to meet power demands will be escalated in the midst of rising utility and gas prices.

Above how a decision will affect your pocket book this year and the next ten years, is the issue on helping society and the environment. This issue, although far greater than many would like to believe, will not feed kids today, thus forcing our solution to support the needs of today and create a plan for migrating to a new energy efficient mindset.

Here is what others have to say
Green Building

"Green building" is a process to create buildings and supporting infrastructure that minimize the use of resources, reduce harmful effects on the environment, and create healthier environments for people.

Quite a bit of attention has been focused on the issue of sustainable or green building materials. What makes a given product "green"? How do you evaluate the relative greenness of different products? How do you find green products? More important, perhaps, manufacturers are asking, "How can we make our products greener?"

Green Communities
We may periodically take stock of our personal assets, yet we do not often assess our communities in a comprehensive manner. Answering the question, "Where Are We Now?" will enable you to "take stock" of your community’s assets — social, economic, and environmental.

Green Economy
There are a number of trends currently shaping our transition to a more sustainable, or “green” economy.

Energy Revolution

By 2030, global energy consumption is projected to be two-thirds higher than it is today due to population growth, continued urbanization, and economic expansion. The largest share of this growth will almost certainly occur in the developing world, with most of the additional energy currently projected to come from fossil fuels. But renewable energy technologies are now ready for use on a large scale and have the potential to meet world energy demand many times over, as Janet Sawin reports in this specially commissioned overview.

Green Design
Since the industrial revolution, people have become disconnected from the very life forces that sustain us. Rather than seeing ourselves as an intricate and essential part of life’s cycle, we believe that we have power over Earth’s ecosystems. As indicated by mounting scientific research from all corners of the globe, that approach is simply not sustainable, and our current way of living must be overhauled.




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